Stem cell treatment for MS
Ms Treatment Europe
Stem cell therapy
Swiss Medica
Types of Multiple Slerosis
Multiple Sclerosis can be diagnosed throught four different types of Ms, and that's reffers to all patients suffering from MS disease.
Multiple Sclerosis is devided on types in order to help in determinaiton appropriate treatment.
Based on cumulative reports all neurological specialists and also clinical specialists, the most common types is:
- Secondary Progresive and
- Relapsing Remitting Ms.
Other two types that is less represented in all Ms patients is
- Primary Progressive and
- Progressive Relapsing Ms

Ms types case studies
Swiss Medica clinic was done lot of ms types case studies which is goal to define condition of each patient after stem cell therapy procedure.

Patient from United Kingdom with Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclreosis talking about treatment in Swiss Medica clinic. Several months after stem celll therapy patients feels lot of improvement in disease type.