Stem cell treatment for MS
Ms Treatment Europe
Stem cell therapy
Swiss Medica
Multiple sclerosis is one of the diseases that responds exceptionally well to the stem cell treatment.
Aside from performing remyelination, stem cell treatment for Ms also provides immunomodulation, meaning they prevent the immune system from attacking the nerve cells again.
Stem cell treatment is very beneficial for nervous system
Because these patients have problems with nervous system, stem cells are very beneficial because they have the ability to rebuild lost nerve fibers. This process is known as remyelination, during which destroyed myelin sheath that is protecting the nerve fibers is repaired and renewed. This causes medical state of a patient and symptoms to reverse and improve drastically.
Stem Cell Treatment For Ms //
Multiple Sclerosis treatment using stem cell therapy procedure have lot beneffits for ms patients.
The stem cell procedure is new treatment for ms, and consists of four simple steps:
1. harvesting – during which stem cells are extracted from adipose tissue or bone marrow.
2. separation – when stem cells are parted from other cells. 3. activation – the phase in which stem cells are photoactivated and finally.
4. treatment - during which these stem cells are returned to patient’s body via standard IV drip.
New Ms treatment methods
Alongside this, there are also new innovative methods for boosting and improving results in multiple sclerosis and treatment. One of them is Oxyven that enriches cells with oxygen, enlarges blood vessels and helps the stem cells have safe and free passage through bloodstream all the way to the problematic area. Laser Blood Stimulation provides blood detoxification and regeneration of the damaged blood vessels. The good one for multiple sclerosis patients is plasmapheresis that decreases the abnormally high number of antibodies. Physiotherapy is also very important and it is customized for every patient, helping the stem cells manifest their activity quickly and efficiently.

Swiss Medica Specialists
With more than 15 years of experience, stem cell specialists for Multiple Sclerosi therapy provides effective and safe tretment in clinic.